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Good Reasons for Getting That Outdated Bathroom Remodeled

Bathroom remodeling

10 Reasons to Remodel Your Bathroom

The bathroom inside of a typical home is used constantly. According to statistics, the average person will spend nearly 1.5 years inside the bathroom. With so much time spent in the bathroom, it only makes sense to remodel it.

The problem is that most people don’t consider a bathroom remodel until it’s too late. Bathroom fixtures don’t last forever, and to prevent repairs, it might be a good idea to get rid of the old fixtures and have new fixtures installed.

There are 10 great reasons to have your bathroom remodeled soon.

Make Your Home More Valuable

Many Fort Lauderdale homeowners underestimate the effect that a beautiful bathroom has on home value. Remodeling the bathroom will have a much larger impact on your home’s value than remodeling a spare bedroom.

The reason why a bathroom has the potential to significantly increase home value is because it’s a top selling point for home buyers. When someone is looking at your home and thinking about buying it, one of the first places they’ll look is the bathroom.

Most people want to have a luxurious bathroom, so you’ll do well to make your bathroom look as luxurious as possible. Two important components of bathroom remodeling are the removal of old plumbing and installation of new fixtures, and we can help you with all of it.

Better Safety and Health

Most homeowners don’t realize that their bathroom could be slowly killing them. In many cases, there are old, leaky pipes that are hidden behind walls, under flooring and beneath tubs.

The water from a leaky pipe can cause mold to grow out of sight, which can have disastrous effects on your health. Serious water damage can also have catastrophic effects on the value of your home.

The problem is that most people don’t notice the warning signs until after the damage has been done. By choosing to remodel your bathroom, you can make sure these issues aren't negatively affecting your health. It’s best to have a professional plumber help you with the remodel.

Increase Overall Space

There aren’t many homeowners who don’t want a bigger bathroom. Studies show that more space can make people happier. The same concept applies to pets.

Bathroom remodeling can help you to create more space in your bathroom. Currently, many Fort Lauderdale homeowners hate their bathrooms because they don’t have enough space.

When you don’t have enough space in your bathroom, you can’t load it up with your favorite items and fixtures.

You can have new plumbing and fixtures installed, which can give you more space inside of a smaller bathroom. Tight storage, failing fixtures and lack of storage will become things of the past. It’s best to let a professional plumber handle the installation of plumbing and fixtures.

A small budget is sufficient.

Many homeowners choose not to remodel their bathroom because they believe they cannot afford it. The reality is that even a small budget can deliver a decent facelift for your special room.

You can speak with a plumber and find low-cost solutions for fixtures and plumbing. Once you’ve decided what you can afford, we can equip your bathroom with fresh new fixtures and pipes. Most people are surprised to learn how much remodeling they can get done on a small budget.

Improved Happiness and Reduced Stress

The things that the majority of people hate the most are things that cause the most stress. If your bathroom is ugly and falling apart, it’s very likely that you don’t like it anymore, and it could become a source of unhappiness and stress.

Smaller bathrooms are especially notorious for causing stress because they make you feel overly restricted. For someone who suffers from claustrophobia, a trip to a small bathroom can quickly turn into a nightmare. By remodeling your bathroom, you can maximize its size and transform it into a source of happiness and bliss.

Updated Beauty

Many bathrooms are old and ugly. If your bathroom is still sporting pink or avocado tile, it could be time for an upgrade. A bathroom remodel will allow you to make your bathroom beautiful.

There are so many modern styles to choose from that some people believe it should be a crime to leave a bathroom old and outdated. The good news is that we can help you with your bathroom remodeling.

Better Comfort and Efficiency

The average person doesn’t realize how inefficient their bathroom currently is. If your bathroom is inefficient, it’s equipped with old fixtures and toilets. During a remodel, you can replace old fixtures with newer, water-saving alternatives.

Some of the newest toilets are made to be efficient, beautiful and affordable. A bathroom remodel is the perfect excuse to get rid of old fixtures and replace them with newer, comfortable and energy-efficient alternatives. It’s also a good idea to make sure all fixtures are installed by professional plumbers, so we can help you with this.

Prevent Repairs

Bathroom remodeling Many bathrooms are older and equipped with outdated plumbing. The pipes that carry your toilet water to the sewer are very important. When these pipes stop working correctly, it can cause very serious and costly repairs.

Remodeling your bathroom gives you a chance to replace outdated plumbing and add new, efficient plumbing. Since new plumbing is much less likely to fail, you won’t have to worry about costly repairs for a very long time.

Improved Functionality

Another top reason to remodel your bathroom is improved functionality. Older bathrooms don’t offer the same level of functionality. Significant advancements have been made in the plumbing industry.

You can have high-tech toilets or sinks installed, and by installing the latest fixtures, you can dramatically improve the functionality of your bathroom.

Better Safety

Since so much time is spent in the bathroom, you do everything possible to make it a safe place to be. A bathroom remodel gives you an excuse to replace unsafe, outdated fixtures and replace them with newer, safer alternatives.

When you consider the fact that the whole family uses the bathroom, better safety makes perfect sense. For optimal results, let us handle all of your professional plumbing needs.

For quality services in your Fort Lauderdale, FL home, call C&D Plumbing Inc. at (954) 758-8169.
